
A College & Career Guide for Those Who Say, “I Don’t Know What to Major In”

The decision on which major to pursue in college is one of the most significant crossroads moments in a person’s life. It’s a step that sets the stage for future career opportunities, professional growth, and building one’s life around a specific field of study. Yet, one of the most common dilemmas students face is the terrifying question, “I don’t know what to major in. This monumental decision is often fraught with anxiety, uncertainty, and the pressure to make the right choice.

For many students, the path to choosing a major seems unclear, and the fear of making the wrong choice can be paralyzing. This comprehensive guide will unpack strategies to help you demystify the major selection process, assert control over your academic future, and make informed choices that align with your interests, skills, and career aspirations.

Understanding Your Interests and Skills

Before declaring a major, it’s vital to understand who you are and what you enjoy doing. Self-assessment tools such as StrengthsFinder, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and even simple career quizzes can illuminate your strengths, preferences, and work style. Further, don’t discount the impact your hobbies and extracurricular activities can have on your career direction. These activities, often pursued with passion, can symbolize areas where you might excel and find fulfillment in a career.

Unveiling Your Passions with Self-Assessment

Begin with introspective tools and exercises that prompt you to reflect on your experiences, values, and interests. These can be as simple as journal prompts to as complex as psychometric tests administered through counseling services. The goal is to create a profile of what motivates you and where your natural inclinations lie.

Engaging Activities as a Clue to Your Path

Participate in different on-campus groups, volunteer programs, or part-time jobs to experience a variety of activities. Not only do these enrich your college experience, but they can also help you gauge the alignment of your interests with particular industries or job roles.

Researching Potential Majors and Careers

With a better understanding of your inner compass, it’s time to explore the worlds of potential majors and careers. The internet is a goldmine of information, offering the chance to learn about various programs, their curriculum, and the day-to-day responsibilities of roles you may pursue.

Did you know that more than 50% of people have reported feeling emotionally detached from their careers?

The World Wide Web as Your Advisor

Leverage online research to explore majors that pique your interest. Websites like the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook provide career insights, salary data, and job growth projections. University websites offer detailed descriptions of their programs, along with outcomes and alumni success stories.

Firsthand Insights Through Information Interviews

Take an extra step by arranging interviews with professionals in the fields you are considering. Ask about their educational backgrounds, career trajectories, and what a typical day looks like. These conversations can give you real-world perspectives and perhaps reveal nuances of a profession that online research cannot.

Considering the Long-Term Implications

While it’s crucial to follow your passions, the realities of the job market and your future finances cannot be ignored. Consider the long-term implications of your major choice, including potential job availability, growth in the industry, and salary expectations.

Passion Versus Practicality Debate

Evaluate your passion for a subject in light of the job market. Some fields may be oversaturated, making it difficult to find employment or advance in your career. Balance your interests with market demand, and if need be, consider a related major or minor that provides a more secure career path.

Beyond Graduation Day – The Career You Envision

Envision your life post-graduation. What sort of work do you see yourself doing, and does your potential major align with that vision? If the answer isn’t clear, it might be time to reassess your choices and think more strategically about how you can bridge your passion with future career goals.

Seeking Guidance and Advice

No one expects you to make this decision alone. Seek out support and advice from your college’s academic advisors, professors, and mentors. These individuals are invaluable resources with extensive knowledge of their fields and the academic paths that lead to them.

Building a Network of Support

Foster relationships with professors and professionals who can provide advice and mentorship. Join professional organizations or attend industry conferences to connect with individuals who can share their wisdom and experience.

Strategic Partnerships for Success

Collaborate with your academic advisors to map out your academic career. They can help you select classes, plan internships, and make informed decisions about your major. Consider forming study groups with peers who are on similar academic paths, which can provide not only academic support but also a sounding board for career strategies.

Making a Decision

After much contemplation, research, and consultation, the final call must be made. Here are the steps to narrow down your choices and confidently select a major.

Weighing Your Options

List the pros and cons of each major you are considering. Weigh factors such as the fit with your interests and skills, job market demand, potential salary, and the opportunities for growth within the field. This exercise can help clarify which major aligns most closely with your long-term goals.

The Power of Proactivity

Actively participate in the major selection process. Attend major fairs, visit department open houses, and engage with faculty members who can provide program-specific guidance. The more proactive you are, the better you will understand the majors available and what they entail.

Coping with Uncertainty

If even after thorough research and soul-searching you still feel uncertain, remember that this is not a lifelong commitment. Many students change their majors during their college careers, often finding that the initial choice served as broader experiential education rather than binding career preparation.


The quest to choose a college major is a balancing act between following your heart and being mindful of practical realities. It is a process of self-discovery, exploration, and decision-making that can prepare you not just for a job, but for a fulfilling career and a life aligned with your truest ambitions.

For those who are still saying, “I don’t know what to major in,” take heart in the knowledge that with diligent effort, self-awareness, and the right guidance, it’s possible to find a major that not only fits you like a glove but also propels you towards a future of success and satisfaction.

Remember, choosing a major is not about finding the one “right” choice, but rather about making an informed decision based on your unique blend of talents and passions. The major you select is just the beginning of a lifetime of learning and growth, and the possibilities that await are as vast and varied as your willingness to explore them.

Take a look at our blog for more information about college preparation and finding a career!