mistakes when using conditioner and masks

5 mistakes when using conditioner and masks

Hair is one of the factors that most influence our lives. Its importance ranges from purely aesthetic purposes to cultural or political ones, and its care is therefore one of the most important concerns in society. But do we pay attention to hair care? Do we choose the right products for each type of hair? Do we follow the guidelines recommended by specialists to have healthy hair? These are some of the issues that most concern us, and they are sometimes caused by a lack of knowledge when it comes to using certain products, such as masks and conditioners, to care for our hair.

Can you imagine a world without hairdressers? Since we were little, we have been taken to specialists who treat our hair in detail and with care, using the best products to guarantee its health and achieve a favorable visual impact. But taking care of your hair does not only require letting yourself be carried away from time to time by a specialist; it also involves hard work at home. The moment of washing is one of the most important, since doubts may arise about how often you should wash your hair, and, on the other hand, hydrating your hair is not as easy as it seems.

Shampoo, conditioner, and mask seem to be the perfect tandem, but the truth is that there is little point in using them if we do not know how to do them to achieve visible and quality results. We all (yes, all) frequently make some mistakes in the steps to follow when washing our hair and applying the different products that are part of our hair care routine.

5 mistakes we make when using conditioner and masks

From the frequency with which it is applied, to the time of use, to the way of applying it, to the time of action, and the type of treatment depending on the needs of the scalp, these are the most common mistakes we make when using conditioner and masks. But how can they be remedied? These expert tips will help you get the most out of the products in your hair routine to show off healthy, shiny hair.

How often do you apply the mask?

To keep the hair fiber healthy, conditioner should be used daily. On the other hand, the mask should only be used on average once or twice a week since, in addition to having the qualities of a conditioner, it also strengthens the shine and softness of the hair, speeding up the process and therefore being a stronger product.

The moment of using the mask

Once the hair is washed and the conditioner has been removed, it is important to remove the moisture with a towel and move on to the mask.

How to use the mask

Both conditioner and mask require the same care during the application process. If you have an oily scalp and roots, you should apply them from the middle of your hair to the tips. It is even better if you do it in reverse order, feeding the lower part of your hair in sufficient quantity, which is usually the area that is most damaged.

Also, for extra care, especially if you have a dry scalp, you should use a scalp exfoliator before shampoo, conditioner, and mask to remove any excess skin (flakes) and thus achieve an optimal hydration result.

The time of action of the mask

A suitable mask works quickly. While a shampoo does it instantly and a conditioner does it in about a minute, a mask, on the other hand, needs a rest period to nourish the hair, but it should never be left on the hair for less than 3 minutes or more than 15 minutes, as it can alter the color pigment and transform it into something that looks more artificial. Using it overnight can also dirty your hair.

The type of treatment depends on the hair.

You need to choose hair products that best suit your hair type. There are a lot of categories, from curly hair to frizzy hair to straight hair. Paying attention to the details means a great improvement in hair and, therefore, the correct use to maintain it.

The most recommended conditioners and masks to take care of your hair


Sebastian Penetraitt Strength and Repair Mask: Sebastian’s repair mask has an active rescue system that penetrates the hair fiber, strengthening dry and damaged hair to leave it soft and shiny.

Moroccan Oil Hydrating Repair Conditioner: Its formula combines a protein infusion to repair damaged hair and Argan oil and Keratin to increase elasticity, moisture, and shine. Without a doubt, this is this is the perfect treatment to strengthen hair, leaving it looking healthy.

REDKEN Extreme Conditioner: Especially indicated for damaged or punished hair, Redken’s Extreme Conditioner strengthens and purifies hair from the first application. After washing your hair, the firm’s hair experts recommend applying it evenly to the scalp and leaving it to act for 2 to 3 minutes.

Loreal Professionnel Absolut Repair: Its restorative and strengthening action acts on damaged hair, repairing it and providing intense hydration. From the first application, the hair becomes softer to the touch, and at the same time, it makes it easier to comb.

Kerastase Blond Absolu Cicaflash Fondant: Lastly, Cicaflash Blond Absolu by Kérastase. This conditioner is indicated for blonde and/or gray hair and has a specific formula that combines hyaluronic acid and edelweiss flower to hydrate and restore hair fibers sensitized by bleaching. At the same time, it protects the hair from color oxidation.

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