Marketing Strategies

5 Marketing Strategies to Grow a Business in 2024

Within business management, digital marketing has become a key element for the progress and expansion of businesses in the market. Strategies, funnels, content, engagement… Facing these challenges successfully returns great benefits and allows companies to remain competitive by reaching large audiences.

Due to the digital transformation, business organizations are forced to develop digital marketing strategies that are adapted to the new times. With this approach, they will be able to increase their presence as a brand and reach an audience relevant to their sector of activity. This article presents 5 of the most prominent ones today.

1. Rise of AI-driven marketing

Last year was just the beginning of AI-driven digital marketing with the appearance of the popular ChatGPT. In 2024, AI as a fundamental part of marketing strategies is consolidating and its use is beginning to be massive. It is already rare, and not advisable, to find an agency specialized in digital marketing that does not use the advantages of Artificial Intelligence.

Although its use covers more environments and activities every day, it is used in tasks such as data analysis, personalized experience, segmentation, automation of repetitive tasks, design …, enhancing, streamlining, and improving the results of professionals’ work.

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2. Email marketing, the most persuasive digital communication

Although some have been thinking for years that email marketing’s days are numbered, nothing could be further from the truth. In 2024, and the coming years, it will continue to be one of the most effective marketing strategies to attract, persuade, and retain customers, visitors, and consumers and, ultimately, as you might expect, generate sales.

This is an extremely powerful action that allows you to interact with your audience, maintain contact over time, and build a customer base. It is also worth noting that this is one of the strategies with the highest return on investment, thanks to reliable mass email tools such as Mailrelay, which has the largest free account on the market and no daily sending limits. In addition, it has dedicated support to resolve any incident, doubt, or query, personally and free of charge.

3. Real-time analysis

One of the marketing trends for 2024 is focused on measuring campaign performance in real time, thanks to the help of advanced platforms that allow instant monitoring of social media and online presence. In this way, brands will be able to respond immediately to changes in the market and audience, continuously optimizing strategies and optimizing results. This is a crucial competitive advantage in an environment as changing as the current one.

4. Create community, above all

One of the main goals for brands this year is to achieve a deeper identification of the customer with the company, creating meaningful relationships through the cultivation of online communities. This translates into greater involvement and dedication to social networks to increase user engagement.

In this sense, creating a community is not limited to accumulating followers, but rather it is about fostering a sense of belonging and emotional connection. To achieve this, companies are concerned with collecting feedback with surveys, open questions, and participatory content, among other actions that allow them to cultivate these communities connected by feelings and emotions that break the barrier of simple commercial dealings.

5. The reign of video continues

Digital marketing trends for 2024 keep video as the most relevant content format. Much of this influence is due to the diversification and constant growth of popular platforms such as TikTok, which stand out for being dynamic and very visually attractive. In this way, companies find these channels an excellent way of communicating with their audience using short and direct video formats. So much so that other social networks, strongly established and that appeared much earlier, are promoting this format on their platforms to transmit captivating visual stories.

Digital marketing in 2024 is marked by a series of trends that are transforming the way companies connect with their audiences, as well as the way they promote their brand, products, or services. These are new challenges that companies face to remain competitive, combining those actions that have been working for years with new emerging ideas that are presented as great opportunities for digital marketing experts. Therefore, it can be said that, in this sector, constant updating is the key to not losing relevance in the market.